What's the biggest difference between sports turf and lawn turf?

Jacob | Oct 16, 2021 9:15 AM

What's the biggest difference between sports turf and lawn turf?

1 Answer

At the early stage of turf industry, the sport turf has always the mainstream products and lawn turf being a byproduct of sport turf, other than that, there were not much of differences on the products themselves. Recent years, both sport turf and lawn turf have grown dramatically and the differences of the two products becoming a bit more: lawn turf group now have many different shapes and varieties focusing on appearance and natural  results yet with long lifespan; sports turf in general is more of function focused and resistance of wear and tear is very critical, also with less varieties compared to lawn turf. For any specific questions or you have a particular project, we can be better assist you if you can let us know the details by calling us at 877 796 8873 or email us at info@globalsynturf.com, thank you.

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