Turf it is...

Albuquerque New Mexico
Paul Sprouls

 I've been wanting a putting green in my backyard for about five years now. A lot of my neighbors and my golfing buddies have putting greens in their backyard and it's just something that I've dreamed about. I'm a very frugal person and I'm always wanting the best deal and sometimes I want to try to do things myself. However I knew that I was not capable of installing a pot ingrained in my backyard the way that I think it should be done. I started doing a lot of research online with different artificial turf companies especially those that specialized in putting greens. I found Global Syn Turf online and called them for an estimate and they told me they would refer me to an artificial turf installer in my area. The dealer in my area brought me samples and gave me an estimate for a putting green installation in my backyard. Gave me such great ideas and designs that I had to give him my business. It's been 3 weeks now since I've had my new Predator greens installed and I honestly can tell everyone that I could not be happier. I use this putting green almost every single day of the week. It is help me with my potting stroke and not to mention the Aesthetics in my backyard. I want to thank Global Syn Turf and their local installer in my area for helping me with my project. 

Florida Turf
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