I have been looking for an artificial turf company in Tennessee that was reputable and had installation jobs I could look at to see what their work looked like. I found an artificial turf company online with 10 different locations nationwide. That is more than 3 times as many as any artificial turf companies I found online. When I called this company they were very professional and educated me on artificial turf. They immediately let me know they are a manufacture of artificial turf and they did not sell turf direct or do installations. They referred me a large landscape supply company here in Tennessee that does artificial turf installations and was a certified distributor for Global syn Turf. They sent me a list of addresses where I could drive by and look at artificial turf installations to see the turf installed and the workmanship. All of their work look fantastic and I tended to lean towards the Super Natural 60 turf. This synthetic grass looked amazing and I new that was the artificial turf for me. Now it has been installed for 3 weeks in my backyard and I could not be happier. Thanks to everyone who helped me make this project come true.