I live here in Florida and I breed and raise German Shepard's and I house anywhere from 20-30 dogs at a time at my facility. I had artificial turf in the past for the dogs to play on but the urine odor became to overwhelming and I had to pull it out. The dogs have been using the concrete ever since and it has been hot and not an idea surface for the dogs to play on. I have been looking for an new surface for the dogs but did not know what I was going to do. I found Global Syn Turf online and learned about their Artificial Turf Pet Systems, drainage tiles, FreshCut Technology, Pet Deodorizer, ZeoFill infill and how to properly maintain a pet application. After reading and learning on their website I finally called Global Syn Turf and spoke with one of their representatives. The representative was super value added by further educating me on how to install and maintain an artificial turf installation for Pets. They use a .5" drainage tile that creates an air pocket and allows for the flow of drainage for the pet urine to drain through the turf, through permeable drainage tile and off to the drains. Next, they use a Pet Turf that has three times the permeability as all other turf for drainage. Then they use a ZeoFill which is an odor absorbing infill. This infill does not absorb the urine, it is antimicrobial and absorbs the ODOR. Lastly, is the maintenance which is lots of rinsing and at the end of each day using the Pet Deodorizer. You kennel the dogs at the end of the day and spry on the Pet Deodorizer without deleting. You let it soak for an hour and then you rinse the turf very very well with a Power Sprayer if you can. It has been 4 months now and the new Global Syn Turf System is working very well and does not smell. The Global Syn Turf dealer here in Florida did an amazing job. Thanks to all!!!