Turf Beat Writer
Baton Rouge Louisiana
I am a beat writer for the internet interviewing and reviewing different websites in different Industries. I found globalsynturf when I was researching artificial turf and was fairly impressed with your website. the amount of information and education on this website was more than most that I had found when I researched artificial turf companies. They are one of the only companies to show many different pictures of their artificial turf to use but they also show the specification sheets and all the testing did they did on over 40 different skews. The website also had some very Interactive applications for calculating the cost of installing artificial grass as well as the break-even point of recouping your investment when getting an artificial turf yard. I really like how this website was very user-friendly and everything was available right at your fingertips. They have over 11 different locations nationwide which is one of the main reasons they stood out as one of the larger artificial turf companies I can find. I was so curious I had some artificial turf samples sent to my house for for me to review. I couldn't believe how natural and real artificial turf has become today. Global Syn Turf to me seems like one of the more advanced artificial turf companies on the market today. I guess what I'm saying is if I were to have artificial turf installed I would choose this company based on my research.