Synthetic Grass
Brownsville Texas

I have lived in Brownsville all my life and I just bought my first house. The new house did not come with landscaping it was all dirt. I saw another house in my neighborhood that had turf and loved it. I saw the homeowner outside and asked him where he got the turf and what kind it was. He said it was Global Syn Turf and the turf name was Cool Blue Olive. I called Global Syn Turf and they referred me to their supplier in Brownsville who gave me samples of the Cool Blue Olive and a few others. I ended up choosing a different Global Syn Turf called Sierra Pro 70. The Global Syn Turf supplier had an installer come out and install my new yard and I couldn't be happier. The turf is beautiful and green and now I don't need a lawn mower. Thanks Global Syn Turf!!!