I need Turf...

Phoenix Arizona
Frankie Bellina

Global Syn Turf has the best artificial turf company in the market today.  I have  been looking for artificial turf for a couple of years now and finally found the artificial turf company I want to work with.  They have over 50 different artificial turf varieties to choose from and a ton of installation accessories to choose from.  I had all the artificial turf sample sent to my home at no charge.  I laid them all out in my backyard for two weeks to see which ones I liked best.  I eliminated on turf sku at a time to discover the one I like most and that I thought looked them most natural.  I ended up choosing the Super Sierra 94 artificial turf.  This turf is 2 inches tall and lush and looks so much like natural turf.  I had the artificial turf dealer install the turf in my area and they did a great job.  I want to thank Tim and his team for doing a great job.  Thank you Global Syn Turf and the great job you did and the great national dealer network you have.

So exciting
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