Turf technology is something that really excites me when it comes to artificial turf. I know that artificial turf has been around since the old days, but it has now come a long long way. I found Global Syn Turf online and they seemed to be very forward thinking. The technology of manufacturing artificial turf changes year by year. A long time ago artificial turf was very expensive for the majority of people, but now it has become so affordable. Global Syn Turf is one of the leading manufactures and suppliers of artificial turf with the most extensive inventories in the country. They now have 10 warehouses nationwide with two new ones coming soon. Global Syn Turf has eleven distinct blade designs and still counting. With the Kool-Max, Fresh Cut and Flo Rite Technologies Global Syn Turf is the leader in artificial turf design and technology. Global Syn Turf manufactures over 50 different artificial turf varieties on the market which makes them one the best in the industry. I want to thank global Syn Turf for their hard work and being a leader in the industry.