Commercial Landscaping

Houston Texas
Blair Gagnon

I recently started my commercial landscaping company and partnered with GST as my supplier. We focus mainly on sports fields and children's facilities. Many of the fields we replace have been worn down over decades, with some even dating back to the late 1900's so they are usually all messed up. One of the most satisfying parts about what I do is seeing the children's faces when they see the new patch of turf. Not only does it look incredible, but it is also much safer for the children as well. What a lot of people don't understand is that older turf can cause burns and abrasions when fallen on which can be a serious liability, especially when there are children present. It is very important to pick a high quality turf to avoid this issue. GST has a huge selection to choose from and I can vouch that their products are kid friendly. I am proud to be able to work alongside you guys to slowly replace the old generation of turf'throughout Texas!

Backyard putting green
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