Distributors Programs

What is your question?

Do you sell direct or retail?


As the major manufacturer of artificial grass, we sell our products through distributors and dealers nationwide: you will find it very easy to access to local companies near you for displays and samples, dealing with manufacturer trained and certified professionals and making your purchase a seamless process. If you are a business and would like to become a distributor or dealer, please fill out this online form so our team will be touch with you ASAP: https://www.globalsynturf.com/free-quote

You can use the same form to find out your local distributors/dealers of our artificial grass products. 

Please always feel free to contact us by phone (877 796 8873) or email: [email protected].


Are you looking for distributors? Retail?


As the main manufacturer/supplier of artificial grass, we work with either nationwide or local distributors/dealers for our products. I would suggest you to email to us with details of your business with your specific interests so our team can get back to you in a timely manner, thank you!

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