Global syn Turf has one of the largest artificial turf selections I have ever seen. Some of the more prominent artificial turf selections are the S blade 90, the Sierra super 94, the supernatural 80, vs play 90, the W blade 80, the W blade 60, do you need a special blend,. I could go on and on about the artificial turf selections at Global Syn Turf has. You have to judge for yourself and get a sample of all their artificial turf sent to you so you can decide for yourself. Once you get the artificial turf lay them out in your backyard and start with a process of elimination. Look at the terms that you don't like and start to remove them one by one and narrow it down to two to three different artificial turf. When charging artificial turf you should look at the turf and natural sunlight, the turf and non natural sunlight, as well as the touch and the feel. The artificial turf is a 15-year manufacturer's product warranty with a 25. 30 year life expectancy. I want to thank Global Syn Turf and the local artificial turf distributor for the wonderful installation of our backyard.