Patricia Ochoa

Unfortunately we don’t offer these sizes on our regular product lineups. If you are already a GST customer, please reach out to your sales representative or call us at 877 796 8873 to see if there is any remnants available. If you are not a customer, you might check out some online retailers who offer more sizes and options: is one of them you can try. Please feel free to let know know if you have any other questions, thank you.


Unfortunately we don’t offer these sizes on our regular product lineups. If you are already a GST customer, please reach out to your sales representative or call us at 877 796 8873 to see if there is any remnants available. If you are not a customer, you might check out some online retailers who offer more sizes and options: is one of them you can try. Please feel free to let know know if you have any other questions, thank you.


Yes, we do, please give us a call at 877 796 8873 or email us at [email protected] for further assistance, thank you.


Please fill out this online form, and our sales team will reach out to you providing information you have requested: For any further questions, please feel free to cal us at 877 796 8873 or email us at [email protected], thank you.


This is a very good question. Depending on the temperatures, the time it takes for artificial grass to be completely dry can vary. Kids can almost immediately play on the turf surface after the rain in hot areas but it might take longer for the turf to completely dry out when temperature is cold, Our artificial grass can drain really well, all water will be instantly drained during the rain, only minor moistures/water to might be left on or between the fibers which evaporate quickly in hot temperatures or with some activities. For any further questions, please feel free to call us at 877 796 8873 or email us at [email protected], thank you.


We would like to get you connected with one of our local distributors/dealers who will provide you more accurate prices on the Zeolite infills, please fill out this online form:, or feel free to call us at 877 796 8873 or email us at [email protected], thank you.


Not sure if you got the samples from us, as we don’t use numbers for our turf product samples. Please email us some pictures of the samples at [email protected] so we can provide further help, thank you.


It depends on the turf products: some turf come in as 15’x100’ and some 15’x75’. If you can please let us know the product name, we will be able to confirm the max roll sizes. Please call us at 877 79) 8873 or email us at [email protected], thank you.


All accessories for artificial grass will need to be purchased separately. Every turf installation project can be different, and accessories needed will vary accordingly, so it is impossible to “package” the turf and accessories that will work for every project. If you have any specific questions about how and what to order of turf accessories, please call us at 877 796 8873 or email us at [email protected], thank you.


Leaves and debris do not necessarily cause immediate issues, however, given time they can be a problem by themselves even though chances of getting turf damaged are minimum. It is always a good idea to keep the leaves and debris off the artificial grass surfaces: such task can easily be done by using a leave blower. For any other questions or concerns, please feel free to call us at 877 796 8873, or email us at [email protected], thank you.


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