Global Syn Turf is a manufacturer of great synthetic turf and ivy products. I found them online as I was looking for artificial turf for my back yard. As I was searching I found out they make artificial ivy. This is actual synthetic ivy that you can hang on a fence or wall for decoration or privacy. You have to go to Global Syn and look under products and privacy fence to see their selection of artificial ivy. Once you see the application pictures you will immediately see how this might apply in your yard. I had free samples of the turf and ivy sent to me at no charge. We hung some of the ivy on the chain link fence on our backyard and figured out which one we like most. We chose the Hawthorn Hedge Ivy and ordered 890 square feet of it to hang on the fence and so we have privacy from out back yard. I also had artificial turf samples sent and loved the S Blade Series. I feel this series of turf felt and looked the nicest. It comes in 50, 66 and 90 ounces per square yard. I personally liked the S Blade 66 as it was right in the middle. We finally had the installer come out and install the artificial turf. Our backyard looks great with our new artificial turf and ivy on the back fence. Thanks Global Syn Turf for the great products and distributor here in our area.