
All our turf products are free of PFAS or forever chemicals. We are proud of making our products that human, pets and environment friendly. Comprehensive lab testing report is available upon request, please feel free to call us at 877 796 8873 or email us at [email protected] if you have any further questions, thank you.


All our products meet ASTM F 1951 standard. Since this standard normally based on particular projects, we don’t have the test certificate for all of our projects. This link is the test certificate for our SBlade-50 product: If needed, we will have any project specified product tested by an independent lab and provide testing certificate at no charge to our customers, it will take 2-4 weeks for the testing, please email us your request to [email protected], so our customer service team can further assist you, thank you!


Our IT department has just fixed the issue, please resubmit the request. If you are logged in as an existing customer, you will need to log out and fill out and send the form. For any further questions, please feel free to call us at 877 796 8873 or email us at [email protected], thank you.


We have a lot of local distributors and dealers in Arizona, please fill out this online inquiry form so we can get you connected with the closet distributor from whom you will be able to buy the TCool infills: For any further questions, please feel free to call us at 877 796 8873, thank you.


The quickest way to get you with our sales team is for you to please fill out this online form: For any further questions, please always feel free to call at 877 796 8873, thank you.


Please fill out this online form with your address and contact information:, or give us a call at 877 796 8873 or email us at [email protected], our team will suggest you the closest local distributors for our artificial grass products, thank you.


Our Sierra Super-94 turf has delustered yarn finish and not shinny. It is highly recommended for you to see the turf samples in person to make sure your expectations are met. If you can fill out this online form, we can have one of our distributors send you a piece of sample:, or you can give us a call at 877 796 8873 or email us at [email protected] for any other questions, thank you.


In order to get a quote for our artificial grass product, please fill out this online form: Or give us a call at 877 796 8873 or email us at [email protected], thank you.


We are sorry about the issue, our IT department is looking into your concern which might be a technical glitch, we will get this resolved ASAP, thank you for letting us know and again we apologize for any inconveniences. Please feel free to reach us by phone: 877 796 8873 or email: [email protected] if you can’t use our online form tomorrow.


We are not sure what do you mean by colored liquid, if you are referring to drinks or soda, they won’t present any problems on artificial grass, you might just need to rinse cleaning the spills with a garden hose. It is never a good idea to spill the paint onto the turf, even though technically the paint won’t stain the turf, but it will be almost impossible to clean off the paint from the turf surfaces. For any further questions, please call us at 877 796 8873 or email us at [email protected], thank you.


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