I am not sure understanding your question correctly. We recommend preparing a sub base before installing turf: in most cases you will have to remove the existing sod along with some soils at about 4”, then use road base and decomposed granite to build up the sub base. We definitely can be better assist if you can let us know more details about your project, you can fill out this online form: https://www.globalsynturf.com/free-quote, or call us at 877 796 8873 or email us at [email protected], thank you.
This turf is our Riviera Monterey-84. If you are interested in samples or would like to connect with one of our local distributors/dealers, please fill out this online form: https://www.globalsynturf.com/free-quote. Or simply give us a call at 877 796 8873 or email us at [email protected], thank you.
Artificial grass is not harmful to any plants or items surrounded. I am not exactly sure what is your main concerns, however, if you can please let us know a bit more about your situation with some pictures by emailing us to [email protected], so we can assist you better, thank you.
The main function of shock pads for artificial grass installations is provide extra cushioning, so it is more of a luxury option not a necessity. Installing of shock pads is not a hard process, and the materials will add the overall budget to a turf project, so if your budget allows and you like the extra cushioning feel, go ahead with it. For any further questions, please feel free to call us at 877 796 8873 or email us at [email protected], thank you.
We don’t have Flo Rite Thru for all our artificial grass products. We only offer it for certain pet grass. All our turf products have excellent drainage capacities and not necessarily need the FRT, and the sub base is also a critical part of maximizing the drainage. I have a previous post about this topic, please review: https://www.globalsynturf.com/does-good-drainage-depend-mostly-on-the-base-or-the-turf-itself. For any further questions, please feel free to call us at 877 796 8873 or email us at [email protected], thank you.
Artificial grass is made of PE (polyethylene) and PP (polypropylene) and considered to be plastic products, therefore, they won’t dry up in the heat as there is no moisture contents in the turf fibers. However, the turf will get warm and soft in the heat just as any plastic products. For any further questions, please call us at 877 796 8873 or email us at [email protected], thank you.
The only difference between these two artificial turf products are the colors, everything else are the same: fiber type, Dtex, faceweight, pile height and backings. For samples from a distributor/dealer near you, please simply fill out this online form: https://www.globalsynturf.com/free-quote. For any further questions, please feel free to call us at 877 796 8873 or email us at [email protected], thank you.
Our artificial grass is made with anti-UV agents to fight against color fade. Installed and used in normal weather conditions, our turf products will last you a very long time, as our warranty is 15 years. For any other questions, please don’t hesitate to call us at 877 796 8873 or email us at [email protected], thank you.
Artificial grass installed by poolside doesn’t have to be much of different than other type of installations. As far as turf selections, I will recommend to use shorter blade turf if the grass area will have a lot of traffics and not to use much infills (probably one lb per sf). If there won’t be much of foot traffic on the turf area, you should feel free to use any turf at your preferences. In most of cases, people will design the poolside area with turf and paver combination of which turf to provide green and visual design results and pavers to handle traffics. Since it is almost impossible for real grass to grow along the poolside, artificial grass makes a lot of sense to be used. For any further questions, please feel free to call us at 877 796 8873 or email us at [email protected], thank you.
It has become very popular design of installing artificial grass between pavers or concrete nowadays. To best illustrate the process in details, please visit this YouTube video: https://youtu.be/BeDPAXkYXlU. If you have any further questions after watching this video, please feel free to leave your comments on this board or call us at 877 796 8873 or email us at [email protected], thank you.