I was looking for a quality artificial turf and great instructions on installing it myself. Most turf companies I called wanted to install the turf. Very few companies actually sold the turf alone. I was lucky to find Global Syn Turf who was the manufacturer of the artificial turf. What a bonus to not only find a company that was willing to sell me the turf, but give me the instructions on how to do it and not hit me up for the installation. They did tell me however they do not sell direct to the public and that I needed to contact their artificial turf distributor in Florida. I did call the turf dealer and they were wonderful to work with. I went to their store and picked up free samples and talked to the counter guy for about 45 minutes on how to install the artificial turf. He also gave me some handouts on Maintenance Instructions and Installation Instructions. I took the artificial turf samples home and set them out in my yard for almost two weeks to see which one i liked most. I walked on them and looked at them every day. Every day I eliminated one I didn't like until it came down to two samples left. It was the S Blade 90 and the Sierra Super 94. Well it was the Sierra Super 94 I went with. I ordered the turf and it was delivered two days later. It took me almost 3 weeks to install the turf by myself. It was a lot of work and I saved a lot of money, but I am not sure I would do it again. It can be done but it is a lot of work. I want to thank Global Syn Turf for helping me with this backyard project.