Adrian Butac
Joined: June 6, 2020

Global Syn Turf was the only company of all the companies that were upfront about the Pros and Cons of Artificial Turf.  As synthetic grass is gaining ground and a reputation for being eco-friendly because it requires no maintenance, no fertilizers or pesticides, no mowing, now water, etc. etc.  The artificial turf today does look so real and natural it fools even the human eye.  After all my research I have to side with the idea that artificial turf is good for the environment.  The amount of water artificial turf saves is enough for me.  This world is very short on water and if artificial turf can help solve that problem then I am ok with that.  With all that said I had artificial turf installed and I have to say I have thoroughly enjoyed it.  There really is no maintenance, certainly no watering and the turf is green all the time.  I would have to say that artificial turf


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