Customer Reviews: East Gardiner Oregon

4.8 stars based on 10 customer reviews

Portland Oregon

 I just had my backyard installed with artificial turf from a manufacturer called Global Syn Turf.  The grass is so beautiful and so green and it does not need watering and the kids and dogs are loved it. I really am glad that I got artificial turf because this is going to save me a lot of money. The turf we went with was called Supernatural 80. Global Syn Turf recommended Turf to us because it was their newest design of artificial turf and it was quickly becoming their most popular Turf you.  A lot of my friends families and neighbors have already come over to look at my backyard and they cannot believe. They been down and feel it and tell me that it literally looks and feels like real grass I am very happy that I finally took the step if you artificial turf installed and I'm sure that I will recoup my money and less than 5 years. Thank you Global Syn Turf for the local installer here in my town for cutting my yard together. 


Portland Oregon

Unfortunately, we are located a bit further away to will call orders so we have to pay shipping with each order. The things I like about GST are the quality and the warranty they offer. 15 years is a long time and it really shows that they stand behind their products. We had some bad experiences with another turf supplier and going through their claims department was a nightmare. Very grateful for the claims system you guys have in place. It's not often that something goes wrong, but when it does, I know you guys will take care of us no problem!


Portland Oregon

I received some GST turf from a third party a while back and was trying to look for where they got it all over, but couldn't find out where. Recently stumbled upon GST's website and realized this is exactly where they got it. Ordered the S blade 90 samples and immediately I knew it was the same manufacturer. There are so many knock off versions of the S blade since it's truly the best in the industry, but honestly we're all looking for the original S blade. Very glad we found you guys!


Portland Oregon

So far the turf experience with GST has been very pleasant. Fast order processing times, with good quality all around on all the turfs we've ordered. No complaints from our customers yet and it's been about 4 months. For a 5 star review though, everything needs to be perfect and I think GST can improve by opening more locations, specifically one closer to us in Oregon. That would help cut our shipping costs by a lot, but in the meantime we are very appreciative for the good quality turf GST offers.


Portland Oregon

Love the turf products that you guys offer. From the turf to the infill, the quality is consistently high throughout. It makes the installation process much less hassle for us as well. In the end, everyone is happy with the finished result. Huge shoutout to GST for not only their amazing products but also their friendly customer service. Feels good knowing that we're partnered with a reliable and dedicated turf supplier.


Portland Oregon

I have been searching for an artificial turf that was good for dogs and has great drainage.  I had samples sent to me from dozens of companies and none of them impressed me as much as Global Syn Turf's Pet Turf.  This turf had three times as many holes as the other brands for drainage.  This means that it drains three times faster than other turfs.  In all the research I have done I heard that drainage is everything when it comes to putting dogs on artificial turf.  You need the dog urine to drain through the turf, through the base and down to the natural soil.  I also heard you need to flush the grass with water very often to help flush the dog urine through the holes and down to the natural soil.  You also need to treat the artificial turf with an anti microbial anti bacterial enzyme based pet deodorizer to help neutralize the odor.  In my installation I left my sprinklers in the ground, turned of the time and turn the sprinklers on manually to rinse my turf down.  I also use the pet deodorizer once a week on the turf to keep the artificial turf smelling great.  I want to thank Global Syn Turf for their time, their Pet Turf, their professionalism.


Portland Oregon

Here in Portland everyone cares about the environment and what is good for the planet.  I have to say I am one of those people.  I have been contemplating artificial turf for my yard for so many years, however I was unsure of the environmental effects of artificial turf.  I spent a lot of time researching artificial turf and the footprint it leaves on the environment.  I found a lot of my information on your website Global Syn  As  it turns out synthetic turf has a lot of redeeming characteristics that help the environment.  First, it is 95% recyclable.  This means that after its useful life you can recycle 95% of the material.  I thought this was pretty good considering other products on the market today that have little to no recycling capabilities.  One of the biggest things for me is that artificial turf saves so much water compared to having real grass in your yard.  I read that a 1,000 sq. ft. artificial turf installations can save 35,000 gallons of water per year.  This equates to about 70% of a household water bill.  Think about it, 70% of your water bill goes to watering the grass in your yard.  Think what can be done by saving 35,000 gallons of water per year per house.  That is a lot of water!   Some research shows you an average house uses 75,000 gallons of water per year watering their grass.  That alone seems like enough to consider installing artificial turf in your yard.

Well about a month ago I finally pulled the trigger and had Global Syn Turf artificial grass installed by a local dealer here in Portland.  I am writing this review to thank Global Syn Turf for the informative website and the great local representation you have in Oregon.

Eugene Oregon

I just had my Global Syn Turf lawn installed and my dog loves it and lays on it all day long.  I had not idea how great artificial turf is.  Thanks for the idea...


Salem Oregon

It is not easy finding an artificial turf installer in my area.  I researched and called everywhere trying to find someone that could install artificial turf in my area.  I walked into a local pluming store in my area and found a turf company called Global Syn Turf display and free samples.  This store was a supplier for Global Syn Turf and referred me an installer to install my turf.  Thanks to the artificial turf manufacturer Global Syn Turf.


Portland Oregon

Many of my customers manage high traffic public areas such as shopping plazas, parks, and malls. Turf is one of those things that has slowly been creeping into the mainstream for the past decade and nowadays we see it more than ever. Artificial grass can really make a public area stand out. Many playgrounds are now also switching to turf since it's softer than gravel and kid friendly. There's a lot of options out there when it comes to suppliers, but I found that GST is by far the most consistent and flexible. Their inventory is enormous and they have the right turf for any job. With GTS, my company will slowly transform Portland into turf central.


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