Customer Reviews: Owens Texas

4.9 stars based on 181 customer reviews

Waco Texas

California turf suppliers are easy to come by nowadays but finding a good one to last is hard.  GST has been around since I started my irrigation company and I have offered their amazing artificial grass to all my partners as well. The specs on their turf beats out the rest of the competition by miles all at a reasonable price. I started off by requesting samples of the the ones that interested me and had no regrets.


Pasadena Texas

Nowadays it's hard to find good quality turf since the first thing everyone looks for is price. The fact is that a majority of the turfs on the market are simply cheap quality and not even worth a cent. GST sets the bar high with their high quality products and they offer a turf for any occassion.


Carrollton Texas

I did so much research to find the right turf company and could not find one negative review.  I called them and they sent me all their samples at no cost.  To be honest the turf samples looked amazing and not cheap at all.  They gave me the phone number to a their supplier in Dallas and I made a purchase of a 26' x 15' piece of the S Blade 90 for my backyard.  Thanks to Global Syn Turf for making this a very easy process!

Round Rock Texas

It was hard to find a turf supplier and installer in my area of Texas.  I was reading the reviews online about artificial grass companies and that is how I found Global Syn Turf.  As it turns out, Global Syn Turf is a manufacturer of Artificial Grass and not an installer.  However, they have a network of dealers that will refer you certified installers.  I was referred to a local Global Syn Turf dealer in my area who gave me samples and educated me about the installation proces.  They referred me three different certified installers who came out and gave me a free estimate to install the Fake Grass in my backyard.  I chose Dan and his crew who did a great job with my installation.  I chose the S Blade 50 for my backyard and it looks amazing.  Thanks to Dan and his polite and hardworking crew.  

I recommend you call Global Syn Turf  and ask for a dealer in your area.  Samples and Free installation estimates are available.

Mesquite Texas
As an accomplished golfer I was looking for a putting green that looked and played like the real thing.  I did a lot of research online looking for the best putting green installer in the Mesquite, TX area.  I live in a golf course community and was looking for the very best of the best artificial turf putting greens to show off to my golf buddies.  I walked into a landscape supply center in the Dallas, TX area and saw an artificial turf display with Global Syn Turf grass samples prominently displayed.  I spoke with the guy at the counter and he gave me a free artificial turf key ring of samples for free to take home.  He also gave me the name of an installer that had installed dozens of putting greens in the area.  He gave me the addresses of some of the putting greens so I could go see some of his work.  I even got to putt around on one of the putting greens to see how it rolled.  I was really impressed how true the roll was on the Pro Putt 44 putting turf.  I had seen enough to confirm that is the guy I wanted to hire to install my putting green.  2 weeks later I had my 850 sq. ft., 6 hole, Pro Putt 44 putting green installed.  I want to thank Global Syn Turf and their network of dealers and installers who made me a very happy man. 

Denton Texas

I was looking for a turf company that would sell me small piece of synthetic turf for my dog.  I found a Global Syn Turf supplier in Denton and they sold me some artificial turf remnants they had left over for my dog.  Thanks Global Syn Turf Team...


Grand Prairie Texas

Perfect supplier for any landscaping companies out there. They offer a lot of selection when it comes to turf and their customer service is the best!


McKinney Texas

I had high expectations for GST since I knew they were a top supplier in the industry. They met those expectations for sure with their high quality turf and great customer service. Their team is a always a pleasure to work with and I never have any issues. You know you found a good supplier when you stop searching for new ones. I've been in the landscaping industry for years now and I can say that GST is truly a blessing to the turf industry.


Brownsville Texas
I have lived in Brownsville all my life and I just bought my first house.  The new house did not come with landscaping it was all dirt.  I saw another house in my neighborhood that had turf and loved it.  I saw the homeowner outside and asked him where he got the turf and what kind it was.  He said it was Global Syn Turf and the turf name was Cool Blue Olive.  I called Global Syn Turf and they referred me to their supplier in Brownsville who gave me samples of the Cool Blue Olive and a few others.  I ended up choosing a different Global Syn Turf called Sierra Pro 70.  The Global Syn Turf supplier had an installer come out and install my  new yard and I couldn't be happier.  The turf is beautiful and green and now I don't need a lawn mower.  Thanks Global Syn Turf!!!

Frisco Texas

I just had my turf installed in my backyard.  A Global Syn Turf supplier in Dallas sold us the Artificial Turf, Installation Accessories and had one of their installers install our grass for under $12.00 sq. ft.  The installer tore out my grass and dirt, replaced it with a rock base and installed the Global Syn Turf Pet Turf.  The Pet Turf is ideal for all pets and is easy to maintain.  If you want a free estimate and free samples contact Global Syn Turf to refer you to a dealer in your state.


Amarillo Texas

My distribution company in Amarillo has buys its turf from Global Syn Turf.  They have the best variety of products and the most inventory.  GST thanks for your years of service.


Amarillo Texas

I was looking for a Do It Yourself Artificial Turf project and luckily I found something made by Global Syn Turf.   Don't be tempted to go to Lowes or Home Depot where you will be a very high marked up price.   


Lubbock Texas

I just had a contractor installed a dog run on the side of my house for my black lab. The grass is GST's Pet Turf. The thing I like about it most is my dog does not track dirt and mud into the house anymore.  By the way, super easy to clean.  GST also sells a pet deodorizer to help with unfriendly odors.


Garland Texas

The turf that GST offers is the best quality I've seen in the industry. It always amazes me how they are able to offer such a wide variety of products while also maintaining such high quality. To me, this is a sign of a solid supplier. I haven't had any issues with them so far and their team is dedicated and always available via phone when I need to talk with someone. Will continue to partner with GST for the foreseeable future, lets grow this industry together!


Laredo Texas
Many of my customers are home owners with dogs or cats. A majority of them choose turf as an alternative to their grass lawns because of how easy it is to clean. The drainage system in the pet turf that GST offers is exceptional and all you have to do is spray it with a hose to clean it. When it rains, you don't have to worry about it at all. I personally don't have pets but, I've heard nothing but great experiences from my clients. The pricing is competitive relative to the rest of the industry, but the technology that goes into the products is what separates them from the rest.

Plano Texas

In my opinion, school districts should definitely be implementing turf. The gravel that most playgrounds have is way too tough and I see kids falling left and right, often leading to injuries. Our landscaping company just finished a job for a school and the teachers say the kids are enjoying it a lot more. We went with the natural feel ones because of how soft it is. We hope that more schools also choose to use turf as an alternative in the future because it is much safer for the kids.


Corpus Christi Texas
As a landscaper, I service both commercial and residential customers. The most frequent questions I get about turf are related to the safety of it. Is it safe for kids? How about pets? Which one should I get for this occasion? I answer my customers the same everytime. GST has enough selection for any occasion. Whether it be kid friendly grass or pets. I always provide them with the testing results as well to ensure them that the product they are purchasing is 100% safe. GST is an amazing turf supplier and they are very transparent about their products. Anytime I have questions, Shannon or the sales representatives answer them clearly to ensure that I have peace of mind.

Arlington Texas
Our landscaping company has been with GST since the beginning and things have gotten much better throughout the years. One thing I love about these guys is that they are constantly reshaping the industry through the release of new turf models and blade types. They truly set the standard when it comes to customer service and amazing turf. They are one of the bigger manufacturers which allows them to easily cater to special requests since they have big warehouses all over the country as well. It's been an amazing 12 years so far partnering with them and we don't have plans to switch anytime soon!

Mesquite Texas

I've been in the landscaping business for a long time now. We service a wide range of clients who all have their own unique needs for their properties. I deal with a lot of suppliers too. Some of them are great, and some of them are not. Most are always trying to get me to use their products or recommend them to my clients. I don't usually do that unless I know first hand that their product is good. GST's product is good. The quality is always top of the line and always arrives on time. I know exactly how to explain to my clients what they're getting with GST synthetic turf, and that's quality, quality, quality. When it comes to GST, it's easy for me to tell everyone how great they are to work with and get artificial grass from.


El Paso Texas

My company specializes in installing sports fields and I found GST through Google search. I browsed a bit on their website and found that their turf is used in a lot of football and golf settings. Prior to GST, we offered turf but the quality was much cheaper and the price was a bit more expensive. Partnering with GST has opened my eyes to what good turf should look and feel like and I will never go back to offering cheap turf. There's just no reason for me to do so. All my customers prefer the GST turf except for a few that don't really care about quality in order to save a few cents per square foot. If it were up to me to pick a one and only supplier, GST would definitely be my top pick.


Round Rock Texas

As a landscaper in Texas, it's very difficult for my clients to maintain grass if they're not willing to spend the extra money on water and maintenance. The heat, inconsistent rainfall, and rising costs make it harder and harder for them every year. I would sometimes recommend to them synthetic turf, but most of them were turned off from past experience with other suppliers whose products weren't great and they didn't do a great job installing. I had heard from others in the business that GST and their team worked wonders and their fake grass products were second to none so I gave them a shot. Sure enough, word spread and customers have been calling me nonstop to get GST in their lawns asap. 


Dallas Texas

GST is the best. Plain and simple. When I first started landscaping, I was very new to the turf industry and had very limited knowledge of the benefits of artificial grass. Most suppliers I went to were more focused on selling to me than working with me. It made it very difficult to recommend fake grass installation to my clients cause I wasn't so sure of it myself. But then I found GST and their team has been there for me since day one. They helped me understand the best kind of products for different landscapes and settings, walked me through all the benefits of their grass products, and really made it easy for me to sell artificial grass to my clients. It's a professional relationship I hope to keep and build on for as long as I can.


Houston Texas
The landscaping business is huge here in Texas and so finding a consistent vendor is crucial to stay competitive. I recently found that most of my competitors were using grass from GST and so I figured, if you can't beat them, join them. Now I am only using GST as a supplier and I now understand why everyone else uses them as well. The quality of the grass is great, the pricing is competitive, and they are friendly. Can't really think of any reason why anyone wouldn't pick you guys to be honest. I have already recommended you to my brother who also owns a commercial landscaping company. Looking forward to doing more business with GST in the future.

Houston Texas

The quality is top notch and the customer service is great. As a long term partner with them, there are bound to be instances with returned products. However, the customer service team at GST is dedicated and always ready to help. Our irrigation company has been partnered with them for well over 2 years now and we have no plans on changing vendors anytime soon! The turf quality amazing and the selection has only gotten better over the years. One thing that I really admire about this company is that you put the customer first no matter what and we appreciate that. It's been great doing business with you and I hope that doesn't change with the years to come.


San Antonio Texas
It gets hot where I live, so there are lot of lawns that are dried up and dead. This leads to a lot of demand for grass alternatives such as turf. I was able to start my landscaping company and partner with GST as a supplier which has lead to great success! So far, there have been no complaints about the turf itself, which must mean you guys are doing a good job. I love the wide selection and not to mention, I love how you guys offer accessories as well such as infill sand and glue. It's much easier to purchase everything all at once then to split up the purchase into two separate transactions from two separate vendors. Not much else I could ask for in a supplier, thanks guys.

Houston Texas

I recently started my commercial landscaping company and partnered with GST as my supplier. We focus mainly on sports fields and children's facilities. Many of the fields we replace have been worn down over decades, with some even dating back to the late 1900's so they are usually all messed up. One of the most satisfying parts about what I do is seeing the children's faces when they see the new patch of turf. Not only does it look incredible, but it is also much safer for the children as well. What a lot of people don't understand is that older turf can cause burns and abrasions when fallen on which can be a serious liability, especially when there are children present. It is very important to pick a high quality turf to avoid this issue. GST has a huge selection to choose from and I can vouch that their products are kid friendly. I am proud to be able to work alongside you guys to slowly replace the old generation of turf'throughout Texas!


Austin Texas

My husband and I are entrepreneurs who also love dogs. We live in the city and came up with a great idea that combined both our passions. Indoor pet potty training systems! So many of our friends spend long hours at work and don't always get to bring their dogs out for a walk when they need it. Parks are few and far between in the city and we can't always tell our pets what time they should go. It leads to a lot of guilt and sadly some neglect towards their pets. Which is where we come in. We install custom-fitted artificial grass in their apartment or condo, and provide a safe, and easy to clean space for our customer's pets to use the bathroom. It's a win-win for everyone and such a great way to enjoy our passion for dogs, help others, and make some money too! We buy all our synthetic turf products from GST. The quality and price can’t be beat!


Houston Texas

Our company specializes in sports fields and lately we have been looking for a new turf supplier. Many of our clients seem to think that our quality has improved and I would definitely agree that your selection and quality is top notch. Will be looking forward to doing more business with you guys in the future, thanks.


Vega Texas

Recently switched out my front yard for turf. I did some looking around and you guys gave me the lowest prices so I figured I would give it a try. The quality is definitely there, but if I end up doing my back yard as well, I will pick a more realistic looking grass. I am pleased with my purchase and will recommend you guys to my neighbors since they keep asking me who I bought from.


Dallas Texas

Wonderful crew, quality product, looks and feels awesome. Correctly priced and very good customer service. I highly recommend Global Syn-Turf for synthetic lawns needs.


Showing 151 - 180 of 181
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