There are some gophers passing on my artificial grass and I'm afraid it might destroy my grass.
Jan 14, 2020 4:15 AM |
Gophers won't be likely to destroy the artificial grass, but can definitely cause damages and ruin the installations: In areas where gophers is a known issue, we recommend installers to use gopher wires as a layer of installation underneath the grass. Not often that gophers will get through the turf itself, but they will dig out holes under ground and create lumps and dents on the artificial lawn surface which will make your grass looks bad. I haven't heard any cases of gophers come through the turf, but I do see issues of gophers' activities under ground create terrible looks on artificial lawn surfaces. When installing the gopher wires, you would like to put it before you are building your sub bases to prevent gophers from going into the sub bases. For more details and how to install gopher wires with artificial grass, please go to this link:
Chad Tarris I agree, better use those wires to keep those Gophers away! |