I am having a hard time to decide on what kind of turf per face weight, all the information I have seen on artificial grass face weight in regard to the turf's appearance and functionalities are not as helpful. I guess to just ask a simple question, what the face weight for real natural grass?
Dec 19, 2019 1:22 AM |
It is a very question. Most of the real natural grass' face weight is right about 60 oz., hopefully this can help you to make up your mind: All of Global Syn-Turf's products ranging from 50 oz to 90 oz. resembles the natural grass look very well, one advantage of having higher face weight is that the grass will standing up better and technically last longer.
Kim Morris I have the 94 oz product and I am very happy with it. |
Andy Rosenberg - Customer Service The two key factors determine the face weight are the pile height and stitches. |
Thomas Garcia I got 70 oz turf in my yard: realistic! |
Joe Wilson I compared their 50 oz turf with 60 or 70 oz, to me, they are close enough for normal people to tell the difference. |
San Dee Ross - Customer Service Between 60 and 70 oz |
James Jones I think the general rule is the lighter the face weight, the cheaper and the heavier turf will cost more. |
Brian Lanson - Good deals hunter I have S Blade-90. It looks very real. Ask my neighbors. |
Mason Teelaka Now I see. |
Noah Crowe Really good to know this! |
I am trying to find the artificial grass look the same or similar as Kentucky bluegrass, any suggestions?
Dec 18, 2019 2:10 AM |
My suggestion will be GST's Emerald-92Stemgrass. You can find the details on this particular turf at this link: https://www.globalsynturf.com/products/emerald-92-stemgrass
It is a premium grade artificial grass product with very high face weight, extremely dense. The color is very close to Kentucky Bluegrass, and will last a long time.
If you go with a shorter version, Trainers Turf will work as well. |
We used to have more Emerald products but we have discontinued some, if you need any, check with us to see if we can get you any discontinued liquidation Emerald products which look the same as Kentucky bluegrass. |
While after installed from a distance, I don't think it is that noticeable of any type of turf. |
I just asked a similar question for Rye grass. |
Oh, it sounds so good! I'd love to have Kentucky bluegrass. I was thinking to cover a patio with synthetic turf, something sweet, like pink and white. Yummy! |
I would go with the same one.
Dec 14, 2019 7:49 AM |
We have two different artificial putting green products on couple of Mr. Langer's properties: Pro Putt-44 and Putt-60BiColor. Both products are fantastic at professional grades, you can't go wrong with ether one. Here are the link for these two product: https://www.globalsynturf.com/catalog/golf
All our putting greens works well and at professional level. People find the 60 oz product can be a bit more difficult to infill. Colorwise, from dark to light: Putt-60BiColor - Pro Putt-44 - Putt-46BiColor. |
I think it helps, so far I haven't had any negative comments on my artificial grass. |
The color are different, to me, the Pro Putt-44s color is more vibrate and alive. |
Mr. Langer's putting greens look awesome! |
We have tested both of the turf and the results are very similar on Mr. Langer's properties. |
The Pro Putt-44 is my favorite! |
From the functionality standpoint, both putting greens will work perfectly! |
Good to know. |
I wish I will get mine soon. |
My area is 2300 sq. ft.. How much should I order to cover this area?
Hello, im a dog mom of 4 and im looking to make a dog play run in my garage! im interested in your products! could i get a large sample? my address is 4145 Carondelet Dr Beavercreek, Ohio 45440, thank you!
Why do some of the turf categories not have testing, summary and CAD checked off? What do these fields mean exactly?
Aug 6, 2019 3:28 PM |
The difference is in specs. Super Natural 60 has a shorte pile height of 1.77 inches compared to 1.97 inches for Super Natural 80. It's also less dense - 60 ounces per square yard. Super Natural 80 naturally has 80 ounces in face weight. Otherwise, the quality, colors, blades, and other characteristic are the same. You can ask our installers to bring samples so that you can feel and see a difference for yourself.
Super Natural 80 won for me. |
I am looking at the samples for both products, you can see the differences up close, but I don't think they will look much of differences in a large area once installed, especially from a distance. |
I like the taller and thicker version which is Super Natural 80, stunning! |
SuperNatural-60 is the best for the buck. |
If budget permits, go with the SuperNatural-80. |
I think besides the dense and height, the look is very similar to me. |
I like both products, for some reason they look similar enough for me to choose either one. |
I probably will go with SN-60 as it is cheaper, and I don't see much of the difference on the products itself. |
Do your rolls come in standard sizes? I have about 1,600 square feet in total we need turf for and want to do as little cuts as possible