Artificial Grass Laws & HOA

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Our company is environmentally conscious and makes excellent products that cause no harm to environment. Our turf is PFAS or forever chemicals free, contains no heavy metal or harmful ingredients. You can find all testing results done by independent labs on this page: Our products have been recommended by most industry professionals and we have never received any negative complaints in regards of environmental concerns. Most of local laws and regulations restrict harmful ingredients of products and our turf is not even remotely close to violate such laws or regulations. Typically, when it comes the time calling for environmental concerns, we will provide all necessary documents to demonstrate why our turf products are perfectly safe and legal and we are very happy to handle these requirements on a case by case base. For any further questions or if you are experiencing any specific requirements from your local authorities, please feel free to call us at 877 796 8883 or email us at [email protected], thank you.


If so which ones?


We have the best artificial grass on the market. All the HOAs who have review process for artificial grass approvals should have our products on their approved list. We haven’t heard or experienced any of the denials of our products by any HOAs nationwide. If you ever have issues with your particular HOA, please feel free to reach us by email (at [email protected]) so we will help to provide all necessary documents and certificates to you or your HOA, thanks.

Can you help me please to convince my CO-op that Astro-turf carpet is safe for my balcony. Please help.

Does the HOA have any regulations on indoor artificial grass? Are the rules only applicable to outdoors?


We haven’t heard any HOA has specific regulations for indoor decorations unless Building structure related. The best approach to your question is to reach out to your HOA directly and ask about it. Again, I will be very surprised that any HOA will have regulars on indoor artificial grass installations. Please let us know if you have any other questions by phone, email or this online form:


Do I need approval from HOA to install turf into my yard? I want to install turf into my yard but I don't know if it is allowed by HOA. Generally speaking, is it accepted or do I have to ask?


As far as I am aware that most of HOA won’t bother to regulate artificial grass installations. Some more restricted HOA might have some rules or regulations for your front yard landscaping, but I haven’t heard any cases that HOA regulate homeowners’ backyards. For state of California which is considered the most regulated among the entire nation, previous governor Jerry Brown has singed a las to prohibit HOA from restricting artificial grass installations. Artificial grass is considered as drought tolerant landscaping options, therefore it is encouraged to be installed with government rebates incentives. Similar incentive programs are also offered in many other states.

Regardless, I will recommend you to double check with your own HOA to find out details. Should you need any further help such as products eligibility or other documents, please feel free to reach us via phone, email or this online form:


I live in a neighborhood with HOA. Will they be okay with me installing turf? Is there a way to get pre-approved before making the purchase?


It depends and can be different from state to state. As far as I am aware of that HOAs in most of the states are careless about restrictions on artificial grass if the installations to be in the backyard. Some of the HOAs might have rules for front yard artificial grass installations, but in state of California, it is illegal for HOA to restrict artificial grass as it is considered as drought tolerated landscaping and California Law prevents HOAs to set any of their own rules to stop drought tolerated landscaping. I haven't heard HOAs in any other states not to accept artificial turf, but the best approach will be for you to fill out this online form, and we will help you to find out more information regarding this matter, or you can reach out to your HOA to see if there is any specific rules they might have toward artificial grass.


I live in North Carolina, and I am so tired of paying those crazy bills for my lawn! I have Bermuda grass, and it's full of weeds unless you spray with weed killers, and those are toxic and expensive! After two years of struggling with dandelions, crabgrass, clover (tons of clover everywhere), I finally gave up and called Trugreen. They charge $60.95 a month for a lawn and $49.95 for shrub/tree service. I also have to pay Terminix $60 per month, just to keep bugs out of my yard. It comes to about $2,000 per year without termite service!!!!! I wish I can install your synthetic lawn and get rid of these ridiculous bills! But here we go.

Our HOA doesn't allow artificial plants or grass! They want us to keep our lawns in pristine condition, but it's tough. Every year companies are charging more and more. I mean, TruGreen is the cheapest guy around here. Other companies ask for $300 a month! Do you have any experience with HOA in North Carolina? Is it possible to get their approval for a synthetic lawn? Any suggestions?

This is a tough question, as we are very familiar with HOAs rules in state of California, but not necessarily all other HOAs throughout the the country. Most of HOAs are very strict with the front appearance of the houses in the community, and can be easy with backyards: so it will be a good idea for you to find out more detailed information and requirements from your HOA, and you can always feel free to send us those requirements at info! and we will be very happy to help you to provide necessary information and answer any questions from HOA. In cases that we have our service team in your area, we can even visit your HOA at their meetings to present our company and products.

Thank goodness artificial grass is allowed in my area. Phew.
Sometime you have to fight with them in order to get what you want, they have stupid rules and not in line with reality.
Sometimes you need to fight HOA.
HOA can be a pain in a**.
Good luck.
Thank you, I will look into docs and let you know.
I am happy I don't have HOA!


Well HOAs are different from one to another. Some of the HOAs have less strict rules. In California, most of the HOAs are ok with artificial grass installations in the backyard without much of information needed. When it comes to the front yard, some HOAs can be more serious about what kind of artificial grass you put in. You can always download all the necessary information for HOAs to review at this link:

And keep mind that it is not legal for the HOAs to decide that you can't install artificial grass in your property! Governor Jerry Brown has signed a bill into law for water conservation in 2015: Assembly Bill 2104. Here is the news link for the bill:

My HOA doesn't care anything we do in the backyard, only need to run by them for front yard though.
My HOA doesn't care about that and quite a few houses in my community with artificial grass. And they didn't even talk about it at the HOA meetings.
As an installer, we sometimes have to help homeowners to provide information needed.
My HOA doesn't care about the fake grass, as long as drought tolerated landscaping.
We don't have HOA here.
If you are close by, we don't mind to present at your HOA meeting on artificial grass concerns.
Good for California! You have a bill. I have a problem with HOA in North Carolina. Ideas , anyone?
I don't have any issues with my HOA for my front yard, and I live in San Diego, California.
Great links!
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